AAF's Multicultural Student Program (American Advertising Federation) The AAF's Most Promising Multicultural Students program connects the advertising industry with the nation’s top multicultural college seniors. This premier event provides opportunities to recruit fresh talent to further prepare the advertising industry’s best young prospects and to help the advertising and media workforce better reflect the diversity of today's society.
AdColor Futures ADCOLOR FUTURES is a unique program that is dedicated to identifying and nurturing the next generation of leaders in the advertising, marketing, media, and public relations industries. The program offers sponsorship to attend the ADCOLOR Conference & Awards, career training through ADCOLOR University, short and long term mentorship, as well as activities designed to inspire creativity and build camaraderie.
American Indian Science and Engineering Society  AISES supports 220 affiliated pre-college schools, 197 chartered college and university chapters, 3 tribal chapters, and 18 professional chapters in the U.S. and Canada.
America Needs You  America Needs You fights for economic mobility for ambitious, first-generation college students. We do this by providing transformative mentorship and intensive career development.​ America Needs You partners with leading companies to build mutually beneficial relationships. Through internship opportunities, Fellows gain real world experiences, practicing and improving their new found skills. By partnering with America Needs You, companies gain access to a highly motivated and diverse talent pool while also providing valuable volunteer and corporate social responsibility experiences to their employees.
Black Girls CODE Black Girls CODE is devoted to showing the world that black girls can code, and do so much more. By reaching out to the community through workshops and after school programs, Black Girls CODE introduces computer coding lessons to young girls from underrepresented communities in programming languages such as Scratch or Ruby on Rails. 
Boys & Girls Clubs of America Providing millions of kids and teens a safe place to develop essential skills, make lasting connections and have fun. 
Coop Careers Overcoming underemployment through digital skills and peer connections. Coop closes the social capital gap by recruiting and investing deeply in diverse, low-income, and first-generation grads from the City University of New York, San Francisco State and other urban public colleges. 
Girls Who Code We're reaching girls around the world and are on track to close the gender gap in new entry-level tech jobs by 2027.
HBCU's  Check out the 107 List of Historically Black Colleges and Universities. 
High School for Innovation in Advertising and Media The High School for Innovation in Advertising and Media is part of a select group of Career and Technical Education (CTE) schools that blend rigorous academics with real-life work skills. New York City  made CTE programs a citywide priority in 2008, in an effort to boost student achievement. Iam gives students a head start into the industry with classes that integrate educational curriculum with real life skills for the future.      
MAIP 4A’s multicultural advertising intern program. The 4A's MAIP mission is to provide and showcase the advertising industry with the best talent through world-class development opportunities.
Marcus Graham Project The Marcus Graham Project’s iCR8™ programs are designed to provide diverse aspirants in the field of marketing and media, including advertising, PR and social media with the exposure and experience necessary to solidify careers within the industry. 
MECA (Manhattan Early College School for Advertising) The Manhattan Early College School for Advertising provides access for students to an excellent education and the support necessary to succeed in high school, college, and career.  Building on the life experiences of our students and their families, we are committed to empowering them to continually grow in scholarship, empathy, responsibility, and creativity.  We do this so that all of our graduates have the ability and commitment to embrace lives of learning and to contribute positively to the communities in which they live and work. | Key to the success of the school is the strong partnership between BMCC, the Department of Education, The City University of New York, the 4A's (American Association of Advertising Agencies), and other partners from the Advertising and Media Industry.
One School by One Club Advertising has a diversity problem. For an industry that profits so much from Black culture, Black creatives are few and far between. Part of this is due to systemic bias in the hiring process, but partly it’s because the cost of 2 years at a top portfolio school can cost up to $40,000. These barriers along with a lack of representation often prevents Black people pursuing a career in the industry. | By giving Black creatives free access to some of the industry’s best talent our aim is to help them create world class portfolios that open doors. And by connecting them with Black mentors we aim to create a lasting network of support and guidance to help a new generation of Black creatives excel in the industry. 
We Are Next We Are Next is an open resource built for students and junior talent in advertising and marketing. It gathers advice, insight, and tools from all over the industry, making them accessible to everyone, while making diverse voices the norm. By focusing on guidance that scales to benefit everyone, We Are Next is making sure the next generation of talent is better prepared, more informed, and more diverse. 

We are always looking for new student, junior talent, and career development information that reflect our mission. If you would like us to include a new source, please email us at hello@weareair.org